Jake Read at OSHWA 2022

PhD Student, MIT CBA

Introducing an Open Systems Assembly Protocol


a proposal regarding how to build
OSHW's modular, networked future

© 2013 OtherMachine Co. now Bantam Tools (kickstarter.com)
© 2021 3DFabLight (3dfablight.com)
http://clank.tools http://mtm.cba.mit.edu ... distributed machine design !

the machine mess

specialization with coordinated operation

... without coordinated development

accessible fabrication -> accessible automation

pyGestalt: Nadya Peek and Ilan Moyer (2013)
mods: Neil Gershenfeld / CBA (2016 - x) ... http://modsproject.org/
how does it work?
what about programming, configuration, etc?

software endpoints: input

          // the LED 'endpoint'
          EP_ONDATA_RESPONSES onLEDData(uint8_t* data, uint16_t len){
              digitalWrite(OUTPUT_LED_PIN, HIGH);
            } else {
              digitalWrite(OUTPUT_LED_PIN, LOW);
            return EP_ONDATA_ACCEPT;
          Endpoint ep_led(&osap, "led", onLEDData);

software endpoints: output

          // instantiate endpoint,
          Endpoint ep_button(&osap, "button");

          // later, if we want to publish to it:
            ep_button.write(btn_down, 1);
          } else {
            ep_button.write(btn_up, 1);

static route configuration

          // adding static-configured routes to endpoints, 
            (new EndpointRoute(EP_ROUTE_ACKLESS))->pfwd(1)->sib(3)

instantiating virtual ports w/ Arduino Objects

          // instantiating a virtual port 
          VPort_ArduinoSerial vpUSBSerial(&osap, "usbSerial", &Serial);

          // multi-host bus over Wire
          VBus_ArduinoWire vbWire(&osap, "arduinoWire", &Wire, 0x12);

instantiating virtual ports w/ custom link

          // transmit one, delineated packet:
          void SPILink_send(uint8_t* data, size_t len);

          // check: are we clear to send? i.e. is tx buffer empty
          boolean SPILink_clearToSend(void);

          // if a new packet has arrived, place it in *data, returning size_t length 
          size_t SPILink_read(uint8_t* data);

          // ports also get a loop, for runtimes 
          void SPILink_loop(void);

          // then we instantiate via passalong callbacks;
          VPort vpSPILink(&osap, "customSPILink", SPILink_loop, SPILink_send, SPILink_read, SPILink_clearToSend);
why is this important for peer production ?
Diagram is my own, theory is Egbhal (2020) Working in Public: the Making and Maintenance of Open Source Software
the 'devboard industrial complex'
modular commons
thanks !